Linda Kelly
Master of Art Education, Bachelor of Fine Art – NSCAD University
Bachelor of Art: Honours English – University of New Brunswick
“My main focus is the FVA drawing. I have worked thoughtfully to design the course so that students beginning at any level can follow the exercises and learn to draw. And people do, and that can be so amazing! Drawing from observation asks that you be present, and slow down and look at the world outside of your self. And that too is such an important thing to learn.”
Linda Kelly has been an instructor at NBCCD for 28 years, teaching Foundation Visual Arts and Diploma drawing classes. Prior to her time at the College, Linda organized exhibitions and learning programs in science, history and art at the National Exhibition Centre in Fredericton.

#2 Corn Dreaming Bones
Building on the work of two wonderful instructors before her, Brigid Grant and Charlotte Glencross, and through continued collaboration with her current talented colleagues, Linda was instrumental in guiding the drawing curriculums here at the College. Tapping into the specialties of drawing faculty instructors, the program has evolved to give a robust method of teaching beginners and more advanced students.

the last two hundred barrels of potatoes
Her own work, which often explores the emotive and creative capabilities of observational drawing, has been exhibited in several group shows in The George Fry Gallery, and at the UNB Art Centre. In 2012, her solo show Rooted/Uprooted at the Fredericton Playhouse was a moving tribute to the poetic presence and life stages of trees. Her series of three dandelion root drawings is in the NBCCD collection and can be seen in the Barracks building. Recently her work was exhibited alongside three other artists in Gallery on Queen’s Verdant.

Linda’s main practice is in drawing and mix-media; it is based in observation with an increasing bent toward abstraction and narrative. She is greatly influenced by living in a semi rural area and having grown up on a family farm. Her subjects are often from this familiar environment and based upon close observation of the natural world. Subjects range from the roots of plants, to stalks of corn, to the human figure. Her work explores the intersection of people with nature, and the relationship between permanence and impermanence.

the last ten hours of blackflies and heat
Linda’s contributions are woven into the fabric of our drawing curriculum, where they will continue to benefit our students throughout the life of this institution. We look forward to seeing Linda’s own practice continue to grow.