September 8th is quickly approaching, and we couldn’t be more excited to welcome you to NBCCD. While this is a stand-out year in terms of the Covid-19 measures, we’re prepared to make your educational adventure as smooth as possible. Here’s what your orientation day will look like:
8:45am – Join us in the Courtyard of the College for introductions & coffee
We will provide you a College tote with supplies including a community mask, and there will be coffee served by the Student Services team. We will have individually wrapped breakfast snacks for you to take with you, as well. Please remember to maintain your distance from others, wear your community mask, and enjoy the first day of school! Head to class, and we’ll meet you back in the Courtyard for lunch.
11:45am-1:30pm – Join us in the Courtyard of the College for a brown-bag lunch.
Every student is welcome to the Courtyard to take a lunch with them to sit on the grass or around the College to enjoy. Fuel up for another afternoon of learning.
Want to continue meeting and having fun with students? Check out our awesome line-up of events in your Orientation Booklet. The Fredericton Scavenger Hunt is the first on the list, and is sure to get you immersed in all things Fredericton. Throughout September and October, we have bike rides, hikes, cooking classes, learning opportunities for successful habits, and some exciting make-&-take kits to continue the creativity at home. This is just a sample of the offerings, we hope you’re as excited as we are!