March 27, 2023 —
Four female photographers from the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design (NBCCD) exhibit new work in FEM: Photography Exhibition starting April 13, 2023, at the Charlotte Street Art Centre.
Ivy Grenier, Grace Hallewell, Sylvia Loomis, and Miriam Torres Lopez are the creators behind the exhibition, featuring individual perspectives in small series of works. Each photographer will be highlighted in a particular area in the Charlotte Glencross Gallery and all four will be sharing the Penny Gallery at the centre. In the Charlotte Glencross Gallery, you will experience four very different visions from each photographer—each artist is a storyteller, some telling a tale in one frame and others using multiple frames to braid their story.

Visit the FEM Photography exhibit at the Charlotte Street Arts Centre starting April 13.
Ivy Grenier wades into the world of Superstitions, showcasing Part II, building on her recent success at the George Fry Gallery where her work was described by NBCCD Associate Dean, Maegen Black, as “bold, bright, clean and just the right balance between clarity and cheek, ready to induce a chuckle from the viewer.”
Grace Hallewell is also expanding on recent work and is creating new work that involves approaching both friends and strangers. She asks them to self-reflect through prompts and respond in their own handwriting. She then merges their responses with her photography.
Miriam Torres Lopez, an international student from Mexico, will surprise and delight with a series of conceptual self-portraiture and another series of meditative works.
Sylvia Loomis, a part-time student at the college, will engage and surprise the audience by introducing them to eight new works that started in nature and diverged into photographic paintings.
In the Penny Gallery, see a group photograph and individual portraits of the artists by Hailley Fayle, self-proclaimed photographic architect, and photography/videography technician at NBCCD.
Fayle precisely executed the vision of the students who brainstormed ideas for group photographs and modelled their poster after iconic magazine covers like Vanity Fair. They designed their exhibition from start to finish, even installing it with help at the centre.
“These four students are exceptionally creative,” said Photography/Videography Instructor Karen Ruet.
“Daring to dive deep into their imaginations and realize their visions through patience and technical prowess that they have honed in their classes at NBCCD. I could not be more proud to show off this exceptional group of artists”
“When this exhibition opens on April 13, the walls in the Charlotte Street Art Centre will spring to life. Artists make work to communicate, so we hope that people will come and engage with the photographs and leave inspired.”
FEM: Photography Exhibition opens Thursday, April 13 from 4:30 – 6 pm (free and open to anyone) and continues until May 13 at the Charlotte Glencross and Penny Galleries in the Charlotte Street Art Centre, 732 Charlotte Street in Fredericton. Visitors to the galleries can access the work from Monday to Friday from 9 am – 8 pm and Saturday from 10 – 5 pm.
The New Brunswick College of Craft and Design (NBCCD), located in historic downtown Fredericton, New Brunswick, offers certificates and diplomas in fine craft and design. Annually welcoming 300 students from around the world, NBCCD trains students in professional studio classrooms to forge sustainable, creative careers. Entrepreneurship, mentorship, and hands-on training are staples of the college curriculum. Graduates of NBCCD have gone on to show at New York and Paris Fashion Weeks; hold coveted titles in film, graphic, textile, and 3D design; launch thriving studio practices; and have received scholarships, investments, awards, and recognition for designing a sustainable and creative future for their communities.