healthy campus

COVID-19 guidelines

Keeping NBCCD SafeCurrent COVID-19 Guidelines

Our top priority is ensuring a safe and healthy campus for our community. NBCCD’s current COVID-19 guidelines can be found below.

CAmpus COVID-19 protocolS
(updated AUGUST 28, 2023):


  • Effective April 28, 2023, masks are no longer required in NBCCD facilities but we remain a mask-friendly environment for those wishing to continue wearing masks.
  • NBCCD has rapid tests available for students, staff, and instructors. Pick up at the Learning Commons.
  • Please continue to sanitize your hands often and disinfect used common spaces.
  • If are you sick or experiencing symptoms, or live / had close contact with someone with COVID-19, please stay (or go) home and complete a rapid test for COVID-19.
  • If you test positive for COVID-19, please stay (or go) home. Instructors and staff must notify their supervisors and students must notify their instructors that they will not be able to attend class. In order to return to campus:
    • If at least five days have passed since your first positive test and your symptoms have improved or you’ve been fever-free for the last 24 hours, you may return to campus.
    • After you return please wear a mask for the next 5 days.