Student Services

Student Life Coordinator

Student Life Coordinator

The Student Life Coordinator is here to make your college experience an enjoyable one.

Lauren Powell

Have a question or concern?  The SLC is your first point of contact.

New to town? The SLC will organize events to help students feel part of a community.

Wondering what’s happening at the College? The SLC creates daily communication with students through various channels, so you’ll always be in the know.

The Student Life Coordinator also works closely with the Student Association (SA) to coordinate activities and ensure students’ opinions and voices are heard. In addition, they are a resource for information about awards, bursaries, food security, services, jobs and scholarships. The Student Life Coordinator aims to make everyone feel safe, welcomed and excited as they peruse their college studies.

Wellness and Events

In coordination with the college counsellor and learning strategist, helpful events are coordinated throughout the year to provide mental health supports and the tools necessary to succeed at NBCCD. Wellness is important to us, and we’re here to make your experience at NBCCD an enjoyable one.