March 22, 2022
NBCCD Advanced Studio Practice student, Laura Boudreau, whose work is inspired by the traditional fencing of Fredericton’s Officers’ Square, has been awarded this year’s Brigitte Clavette Merit Bursary. Boudreau said the $2,000 bursary will be invested into her jewellery practice when she graduates from the Advanced Studio Practice certificate program at the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design (NBCCD).
“NBCCD’s Advanced Studio Practice program was amazing. This bursary is a huge cherry on top. It’s going to make such an impact on my practice.”
The Brigitte Clavette Merit Bursary is awarded to the highest-ranking Advanced Studio Practice student by the Sheila Hugh Mackay Foundation (SHMF). Boudreau is its recipient for the 2021-2022 academic year.
Advancing artistic careers in new brunswick
“SHMF is dedicated to advancing the professional careers of New Brunswick artists and considers NBCCD to be a leader in arts education,” said Kathryn McCarroll, executive director of the Sheila Hugh Mackay Foundation.
The Sheila Hugh Mackay Foundation offers a $2,000 annual bursary to students at NBCCD, and has been doing so since 2015. Last year, the foundation renamed the bursary to permanently honour longtime NBCCD studio head and instructor of the jewellery/metal arts program, Brigitte Clavette, who “has inspired generations of artists.”
Brigitte Clavatte, who received a Governor General’s Award in Visual and Media Arts earlier this month, is Boudreau’s mentor in the Advanced Studio Practice program. Clavette said she was excited for Boudreau but unsurprised with the selection.
“When I saw Laura last fall, I rediscovered a rare gem. Laura is fastidious about everything she does. Not only is she very talented and creative, but she also puts so much heart into what she does.”
Visit Boudreau’s website at or Gallery 78 at
The New Brunswick College of Craft and Design (NBCCD), located in historic downtown Fredericton, New Brunswick, offers certificates and diplomas in fine craft and design. Annually welcoming 300 students from around the world, NBCCD trains students in professional studio classrooms to forge sustainable, creative careers. Entrepreneurship, mentorship, and hands-on training are staples of the college curriculum. Graduates of NBCCD have gone on to show at New York and Paris Fashion Weeks; hold coveted titles in film, graphic, textile, and 3D design; launch thriving studio practices; and have received scholarships, investments, awards, and recognition for designing a sustainable and creative future for their communities.