NBCCD Student Association
The NBCCD Student Association (NBCCDSA) coordinates student activities and represents the College’s student body. The SA is governed by by-laws and regularly holds General Assemblies. The executive and student representatives are elected annually by the student body. All students are encouraged to volunteer and participate in SA activities. Students interested in serving on the SA executive should contact the Student Life Coordinator.
Throughout the academic year, the Student Association collaborates with the Student Life Coordinator and College Counsellor to provide educational, social, health, and wellness programming. It is tailored to complement your work in studio and help you achieve college-life balance. Programming workshops, activities and/or events are usually offered during the week from 12 pm to 1 pm, after 4pm or on weekends. Students are notified of programming initiatives via email, and bulletin board notices.
Student Volunteers/Part-Time Jobs
The Busy Bee program is funded by the Student Association, and offers volunteer and part-time employment opportunities. Interested students should contact the Student Life Coordinator.
Discover more job opportunities here.
Student Advocate
Jaime Butler, the student advocate, is adept at helping students address a wide range of academic concerns.
Meet your executive team:
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