We provide a wide variety of programming and resources to support you in your teaching. This could range from helping you to make your courses more accessible, developing a rubric, to brainstorming ideas to increase engagement in your classroom. We have several resources here to help guide you. You can also set up a time for an individual consultation with our teaching and learning support team.
Universal Design for Learning Are you interested in disrupting inequities in the classroom? Do you want to remove barriers in the classroom to create inclusive learning environments? If so, consider using Universal Design for Learning to inform your course design and delivery.
Assessment Assessment is embedded in the learning process and is used for different purposes: assessment of learning (summative) and assessment for learning (formative). Assessment can be a loaded topic for both instructors and students especially in the context of art, craft and design. Nevertheless, here are some ways to enhance the quality of assessments by adopting the 10 best practices listed below. Alternatively, you could watch the Rethinking Assessment workshop by Sita which touches on some of these best practices.
Rubrics Rubrics are tools used in assessing student work. Rubrics provide criteria for grading and outline expectations of quality around an assignment. They help you to assess student work consistently, save time in grading, clarify expectations and components of an assessment, and they can promote student learning. A good rubric should benefit both students and instructors.
Critiques Critiques play a valuable role in student learning at NBCCD. Critiques are a way to involve students in analyzing, describing, evaluating, and interpreting works of art, craft and design. Inderhees (2020) describes a critique as a “conversation in which the student presents their work to their instructor and peers for discussion and evaluation while the work is in development.” Have a read of the best practices below or watch a video on How to Critique Art by Art Prof or listen to a podcast hosted by Tim Bogatz on How to Improve your Classroom Critiques.
Feedback Feedback plays an important role in student learning and growth.
Accessibility and Academic Accommodations NBCCD is committed to providing an inclusive and accessible learning environment for all students. You can help to do this by designing courses that take into account students’ diverse backgrounds and abilities and working collaboratively with Student Services to provide academic accommodations to students with documented disabilities. For more information about how students with disabilities can be supported at NBCCD, please have a chat with our Learning Strategist.
A great way to design your course to increase accessibility and reduce barriers to learning is by using Universal Design for Learning principles. This educational framework helps you to proactively meet the needs of students from a variety of backgrounds and abilities and can reduce the need for individualized accommodations.
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Integrating principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion into your teaching and learning involves an intentional approach to designing your curriculum, courses, teaching methods, and assessment to create a learning environment where all students have equitable access, feel that their differences are valued and respected, and receive the necessary supports to optimize their learning. Equity, diversity, and inclusion can inform your teaching and learning in so many ways; have a look at our REDI Teaching Self-Assessment Tool as well as the resources below to learn more.
Lesson Planinng Lesson plans help you to identify learning objectives, organize and deliver your course content, plan out learning activities and resources, and consider what assessments you might integrate into the class. Creating a lesson plan does not mean that you have to stick to the script; take it as a guide and modify your lesson to the needs of the students.
Google Classroom Google Classroom is NBCCD’s learning management system. Google Classroom allows you to streamline the process of sharing course content between you and your students. It increases accessibility for students and also provides them with consistency in their learning experiences at NBCCD. There are lots of ways that you can use Google Classroom to enhance student learning and it can also benefit you as an instructor. It allows you to be adaptable if you have to switch to remote teaching. It can also save you time in the long run: once you’ve uploaded your course content, you can duplicate the class each year and tweak it.
New Instructors Welcome to NBCCD! We are dedicated to providing supports, resources, and services to help you in your new role as an instructor at NBCCD.
Indigenizing and Decolonizing Teaching and Learning NBCCD acknowledges that we live, work, and create on the unsurrended and unceded traditional Wolastoqey land. The lands of the Wabanaki people are recognized in a series of Peace and Friendship Treaties to establish an ongoing relationship of peace, friendship and mutual respect between equal nations. The river that runs by our college is known as Wolastoq (Saint John River), along which live the Wolastoqiyik – the people of the beautiful and bountiful river.